2023년 2월 6일 월요일

What is the case law in English case Hyde v Wrench?

Hyde v Wrench is a leading case in English contract law. It established the principle that for a contract to be formed, there must be an offer and acceptance that are both unconditional and match each other exactly. In the case, Wrench made an offer to sell a farm to Hyde for £1,000, but Hyde countered with an offer to buy the farm for £950. Wrench rejected this counter-offer, and Hyde subsequently claimed that Wrench was bound to sell him the farm for £950. The court found that because Wrench had rejected the counter-offer, there was no matching of the terms between the offer and acceptance, and therefore no contract was formed. The case established the principle that for a contract to be formed, there must be a mirror image between the offer and acceptance.

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