2023년 6월 9일 금요일

What is Sewel Convention regarding devolution in the UK?

The Sewel Convention, also known as the legislative consent convention, is a constitutional convention in the United Kingdom that sets out the principles guiding the relationship between the UK Parliament and the devolved legislatures (such as the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales, and the Northern Ireland Assembly). The convention is named after Lord Sewel, who was a UK Government minister when the Scotland Act 1998, which established the Scottish Parliament, was being debated. The Sewel Convention is not a legally binding rule but a political agreement that has been followed as a matter of practice. The key principle of the Sewel Convention is that the UK Parliament will not normally legislate on matters within the legislative competence of the devolved administrations without their consent. This means that the UK Parliament recognizes and respects the devolved powers and allows the devolved legislatures to make decisions on devolved matters independently. The convention establishes a process by which the devolved legislatures can give their consent to the UK Parliament to legislate on devolved matters. This consent is usually given through a legislative consent motion or a Sewel motion, which is a formal resolution passed by the devolved legislature indicating its consent to the UK Parliament legislating on a specific matter within its devolved competence. While the Sewel Convention does not legally bind the UK Parliament, it is considered a significant constitutional convention that reflects the principles of devolution and the partnership between the UK Parliament and the devolved administrations. It aims to foster cooperation, respect, and dialogue between the different levels of government in the UK. It is important to note that the Sewel Convention has been subject to some debate and scrutiny over the years, particularly in relation to the clarity of its application and the extent to which it can be enforced. However, it remains an important aspect of the constitutional framework of the United Kingdom's devolution settlement.

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